Mr Pontillo, you received your security clearances by false pretenses. You know as well as I do that your clearances are
only limited. They need your fingerprints to do a full search of you and your record. Otherwise you can't get a real security clearance. You could say you are anyone. The information you furnished was incomplete (no fingerprints) so your Clearance is only "Conditional" and "Limited". It says so in black and white on your latest security clearance certificate that you submitted and published online.
Basically Mr Pontillo, SLED doesn't know who you are or what you've done without proper input from you. When you request a Security Check or Clearance you swear the information you are submitting is true and complete.
What astounds me is that anyone would still take you at your word about anything. Your fans don't know you like I had the misfortune of knowing you. You're a self obsessed psychopath. That is the best description of you Patrick A Pontillo of donaldwuerl.com fame or should I say "infamy."
Can I ask you a question Mr Pontillo? Did you and Mr Cipolla kill Father Kuntz? Father Greeley told me he would talk to Father Kuntz about Father Cipolla in 1998. That was 3 weeks before Father Kuntz was killed. I've always wondered about that. Father Greeley heard my confession back then and encouraged me to go back to Church. We talked about what
Fr Cipolla did to my sons and what the Catholic Church and the Attorney's for the Diocese and District Attorney did to us
when we went to Fr Cipolla's arraignment.
As far as your tales of me are concerned, they only enforce my opinion that there is something very wrong with you. You are Toxic and Alone and you are Extremely Dark.
There are so many references on your blogs about how brilliant and accomplished you are. In your estimation.
I have proven to you The 1978 Arrest of Fr Anthony J Cipolla actually happened. It was covered up by Cardinal Wright, Bishop Leonard and the Pittsburgh District Attorney. They told me to "Let the Church handle Fr Cipolla, he will get psychiatric treatment and he'll be healed". "Give him a chance to get help" they said.
Back in 1978 we looked at all Homosexuals as Potential Child Molesters. Now I know better. Some may be, but not the majority. Child Molesters are "Specialists" they target children and they are always on the hunt. Many people who
molest children are Covert Heterosexual Perverts.
Father Cipolla was a "Specialist who lusted for young boys".
There are many lawsuits out now against the Catholic Diocese due to Anthony J Cipolla's Sexual Assaults on former young boys who are now in their thirties forties and fifties... Maybe
younger. Click the arrow below.
Mr. Patrick Pontillo...
I have decided to answer each and every accusation you have made against us on your blogs.
I'm posting your posts as is and giving you my reply to your claims about me and my poor family in blue or red print. I figure it will make my blogs easier to understand if I answer you directly. No more, she said this about that.
Since you have no actual mailing address and you have to use other folks addresses and phone numbers to get messages, mail and in contact with you, since 2009, I still have no idea who you are. Are you psychologically stalking us?? What do you want from us? Why won't you stop??????? You are giving me nightmares Pontillo with your threats and your disturbed claims!!!
I always heard you should get to know your enemies...but what do you do when your enemy is a gutless coward who lives on the internet? Mr. Pontillo, all you can do is back-stab the victims manipulate the truth and lie like your life depended on it!!
I'm on a mission to stop your lies about me and my family...or at least get enough truth out to
enlighten the people you've already tricked and all future victims. Fr. Cipolla tricked you. I'm glad because now I don't feel quite so stupid.
Below is the Patrick A Pontillo, aged mid sixties, ... dm
Phone# 724-774-8292 or 724-709-4716 ask for Pat or ...leave a message pat.pontillo@aol.com
Concerning Diane Thompson's claim of me being charged with stalking, answer
these questions: 1} How did I get a 2014 FBI Clearance which states that no crim-
inal record in my name exists anywhere in Ameica, if I were charged with stalking
in 2010, and how was I able to do such an act during a time when I was on disability
with severe asthmatic constraints which prevented me from driving around the place,
at will, trailing someone or hunting someone down? How could I have gone into
such a person's home, if there were a chemically laden air freshener in it? I would
have gone through severe asthmatic reactions and would have been unable to con-
tinue the hunting-down.
How did you get ticketed for 7 separate motor vehicle violations during that time period?
Will someone please enlighten Pontillo to the fact that his FBI check only states
that prior to 2014 Patrick A Pontillo has no known criminal record in Pennsylvania.
I'm not an idiot, I can read. The other specifically states "Pennsylvania only."
So what's the excuse going to be this time??? Don't you read the papers you publish as evidence?? (before you publish)??
And that was another one of Pontillo's many lame excuses for Harassing and Tormenting
people. He just denies it. He's apathetic...so what?? "It wasn't me"he says!
He only takes credit, he never accepts blame. He's really not interested in anything or anyone, except himself.
That kind of guy just wants to be noticed so he can become relevant...when he's actually irrelevant and probably doesn't even know it.
When "You" are your biggest fan Mr Pontillo it's not as rewarding and it's really hard to wrap your head around. Right Pontillo??😉
In response to Mr. Pontillo's claim...cut and pasted above and below.
Mr. Pontillo, the Police Report you so vehemently deny reflects your: name-date of birth and home address in Sept. 2010.
You claim you "were on full disability and could never have stalked anyone, or follow behind them in a car or sit parked in front of any house, etc, etc, etc." In rebuttal: I never mentioned anything about how you stalk people in any of my blogs. I only said there was a public record online
which says you were arrested for "stalking" and it also contained your DOB and your previous S.Carolina Beach address you bragged about, in that Mobile Home Community. ( You are the one who just described "how" you stalked & harassed victims.) Don't you ever proofread your stuff, Pontillo??
During that time when you were doing the harassing and stalking, you also accumulated 7 or 8 (driving) traffic citations which you admitted to in print on your blog. I thought you could not
drive to follow someone, but you could drive enough to get 7 or 8 tickets in that span of time??
We aren't all stupid gullible people. Some of us can put two and two together and not get five for an answer.
As far as that website you posted...one needs your social security number and money to access
that information regarding you. I've already verified the information 3 sites gave me.
The following are Pontillo's words, unedited.
Okay then, Diane Thompson, aka Diana Mangum claimed that I was arrested on
September 10, 2010, and was charged with stalking, while I was on full disability,
with a severe allergic respiratory disease which prevented me from being able to
follow anyone in a car, and sit parked in front of any house, etc., etc., etc. So, go
to the South Carolina State Police Site or General State Site and look me up, to
see if I had ever been charged with Stalking there. 🔚
Pontillo, the people you treat as unworthy to shine your storm trooper boots don't care. We only want our reputations and your imagination to part company. Grab your imagination and wrap it in cellophane, dip it in Motor Oil and stuff it "where the sun doesn't shine"...in the meantime, we will
try to repair what you've done to our reputations. I don't know how many thousands of innocent people read your lies but it hurts me every day just knowing that you won't stop. I just hope my effort will at least get the correct information out on the web to counter your dirty lies.
Below was cut and pasted from Patrick Pontillo's donaldwuerl.com blog
In the actual words of Pontillo the following:
In as much, in order to be a great leader, you have to first prove that
you faithfully take orders and follow them. None the less, when it
came to the Cipolla Case, I wrote as I saw fit.
Mike Volpe of Chicago autonomously wrote what he willed about
the case, and others spoke about the case from their free will. No
one was anyone's puppet.
In fact, as I previously stated, not only was I NOT Cipolla's puppet,
Cipolla and I had mini-World-War-III over the telephone more than
once. After all, Donald Wuerl brings out the worst in everybody.
He surely brought out the worst in me. None the less, I was NOT
Cipolla's yesman and he surely was not mine.
diana's reply:
I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I believe having you actually admit
to verbally violent "mini-World-War-III phone calls to Anthony Cipolla" may have contributed
to his demise. Hmmm! Was he telling you to leave us alone? When did you last speak to him? It's probably a matter of a phone record.
By the way Mr. Pontillo, You are not Mike Volpe nor will you ever be.
Mr Pontillo, you received your security clearances by false pretenses. You know as well as I do that your clearances are
only limited. They need your fingerprints to do a full search of you and your record. Otherwise you can't get a real security clearance. You could say you are anyone. The information you furnished was incomplete (no fingerprints) so your Clearance is only "Conditional" and "Limited". It says so in black and white on your latest security clearance certificate that you submitted and published online.
Basically Mr Pontillo, SLED doesn't know who you are or what you've done without proper input from you. When you request a Security Check or Clearance you swear the information you are submitting is true and complete.
What astounds me is that anyone would still take you at your word about anything. Your fans don't know you like I had the misfortune of knowing you. You're a self obsessed psychopath. That is the best description of you Patrick A Pontillo of donaldwuerl.com fame or should I say "infamy."
Fr Cipolla did to my sons and what the Catholic Church and the Attorney's for the Diocese and District Attorney did to us
when we went to Fr Cipolla's arraignment.
An arraignment is a court proceeding at which a criminal defendant is formally advised of the charges against him and is asked to enter a plea to the charges.
There are so many references on your blogs about how brilliant and accomplished you are. In your estimation.
I have proven to you The 1978 Arrest of Fr Anthony J Cipolla actually happened. It was covered up by Cardinal Wright, Bishop Leonard and the Pittsburgh District Attorney. They told me to "Let the Church handle Fr Cipolla, he will get psychiatric treatment and he'll be healed". "Give him a chance to get help" they said.
Back in 1978 we looked at all Homosexuals as Potential Child Molesters. Now I know better. Some may be, but not the majority. Child Molesters are "Specialists" they target children and they are always on the hunt. Many people who
molest children are Covert Heterosexual Perverts.
Father Cipolla was a "Specialist who lusted for young boys".
There are many lawsuits out now against the Catholic Diocese due to Anthony J Cipolla's Sexual Assaults on former young boys who are now in their thirties forties and fifties... Maybe
younger. Click the arrow below.
Guilty Priest: Anthony J. Cipolla
Mr. Patrick Pontillo...
I have decided to answer each and every accusation you have made against us on your blogs.
I'm posting your posts as is and giving you my reply to your claims about me and my poor family in blue or red print. I figure it will make my blogs easier to understand if I answer you directly. No more, she said this about that.
Since you have no actual mailing address and you have to use other folks addresses and phone numbers to get messages, mail and in contact with you, since 2009, I still have no idea who you are. Are you psychologically stalking us?? What do you want from us? Why won't you stop??????? You are giving me nightmares Pontillo with your threats and your disturbed claims!!!
I always heard you should get to know your enemies...but what do you do when your enemy is a gutless coward who lives on the internet? Mr. Pontillo, all you can do is back-stab the victims manipulate the truth and lie like your life depended on it!!
I'm on a mission to stop your lies about me and my family...or at least get enough truth out to
enlighten the people you've already tricked and all future victims. Fr. Cipolla tricked you. I'm glad because now I don't feel quite so stupid.
Below is the Patrick A Pontillo, aged mid sixties, ... dm
About the Wuerl-of-Hurt author
Phone# 724-774-8292 or 724-709-4716 ask for Pat or ...leave a message pat.pontillo@aol.com
4:37 PM (22 hours ago)
![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
More disturbing remarks from PP Cut and pasted are Pontillo's own words in "The Cipolla Case" post. |
these questions: 1} How did I get a 2014 FBI Clearance which states that no crim-
inal record in my name exists anywhere in Ameica, if I were charged with stalking
in 2010, and how was I able to do such an act during a time when I was on disability
with severe asthmatic constraints which prevented me from driving around the place,
at will, trailing someone or hunting someone down? How could I have gone into
such a person's home, if there were a chemically laden air freshener in it? I would
have gone through severe asthmatic reactions and would have been unable to con-
tinue the hunting-down.
How did you get ticketed for 7 separate motor vehicle violations during that time period?
Will someone please enlighten Pontillo to the fact that his FBI check only states
that prior to 2014 Patrick A Pontillo has no known criminal record in Pennsylvania.
I'm not an idiot, I can read. The other specifically states "Pennsylvania only."
So what's the excuse going to be this time??? Don't you read the papers you publish as evidence?? (before you publish)??
And that was another one of Pontillo's many lame excuses for Harassing and Tormenting
people. He just denies it. He's apathetic...so what?? "It wasn't me"he says!
He only takes credit, he never accepts blame. He's really not interested in anything or anyone, except himself.
That kind of guy just wants to be noticed so he can become relevant...when he's actually irrelevant and probably doesn't even know it.
When "You" are your biggest fan Mr Pontillo it's not as rewarding and it's really hard to wrap your head around. Right Pontillo??😉
In response to Mr. Pontillo's claim...cut and pasted above and below.
Mr. Pontillo, the Police Report you so vehemently deny reflects your: name-date of birth and home address in Sept. 2010.
You claim you "were on full disability and could never have stalked anyone, or follow behind them in a car or sit parked in front of any house, etc, etc, etc." In rebuttal: I never mentioned anything about how you stalk people in any of my blogs. I only said there was a public record online
which says you were arrested for "stalking" and it also contained your DOB and your previous S.Carolina Beach address you bragged about, in that Mobile Home Community. ( You are the one who just described "how" you stalked & harassed victims.) Don't you ever proofread your stuff, Pontillo??
During that time when you were doing the harassing and stalking, you also accumulated 7 or 8 (driving) traffic citations which you admitted to in print on your blog. I thought you could not
drive to follow someone, but you could drive enough to get 7 or 8 tickets in that span of time??
We aren't all stupid gullible people. Some of us can put two and two together and not get five for an answer.
As far as that website you posted...one needs your social security number and money to access
that information regarding you. I've already verified the information 3 sites gave me.
The following are Pontillo's words, unedited.
Okay then, Diane Thompson, aka Diana Mangum claimed that I was arrested on
September 10, 2010, and was charged with stalking, while I was on full disability,
with a severe allergic respiratory disease which prevented me from being able to
follow anyone in a car, and sit parked in front of any house, etc., etc., etc. So, go
to the South Carolina State Police Site or General State Site and look me up, to
see if I had ever been charged with Stalking there. 🔚
Pontillo, the people you treat as unworthy to shine your storm trooper boots don't care. We only want our reputations and your imagination to part company. Grab your imagination and wrap it in cellophane, dip it in Motor Oil and stuff it "where the sun doesn't shine"...in the meantime, we will
try to repair what you've done to our reputations. I don't know how many thousands of innocent people read your lies but it hurts me every day just knowing that you won't stop. I just hope my effort will at least get the correct information out on the web to counter your dirty lies.
Below was cut and pasted from Patrick Pontillo's donaldwuerl.com blog
In the actual words of Pontillo the following:
In as much, in order to be a great leader, you have to first prove that
you faithfully take orders and follow them. None the less, when it
came to the Cipolla Case, I wrote as I saw fit.
Mike Volpe of Chicago autonomously wrote what he willed about
the case, and others spoke about the case from their free will. No
one was anyone's puppet.
In fact, as I previously stated, not only was I NOT Cipolla's puppet,
Cipolla and I had mini-World-War-III over the telephone more than
once. After all, Donald Wuerl brings out the worst in everybody.
He surely brought out the worst in me. None the less, I was NOT
Cipolla's yesman and he surely was not mine.
diana's reply:
I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I believe having you actually admit
to verbally violent "mini-World-War-III phone calls to Anthony Cipolla" may have contributed
to his demise. Hmmm! Was he telling you to leave us alone? When did you last speak to him? It's probably a matter of a phone record.
By the way Mr. Pontillo, You are not Mike Volpe nor will you ever be.
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